1925 Pleasa fire - Well No. 1 RA Pleasa

On 25 of July 1925 at oil well 1 RA Moreni Nord from Pleasa Hill was accindentally  ignited. At that time Romano-Americana Society was represented at Moreni by engineer Budurovici. Bill Cannon, Standard Oil Co. driller, had ignited through friction the deepest oil well at Moreni ( 1146 meters depth ). The danger zone was evacuated.  The authorities, were induced to send a battery of artillery to bombard the well, with the object of closing it up.Romanian gunners bombarded it for half a day and all they succeeded in doing was to spread the fire. After several attempts after 3 weeks of eruptions they dug a tunnel to reach the casing. Gas infiltration in made the tunnel blow out causing injuries to the workers. A last attemp to dug another tunnel was finished in September. A tunnel of 70 meters was dug and meet the well casing at 15 meters under ground. After penetrating the casing they first pomped thru a pipeline built in the tunnel, estinguish liquid with 40 bar into the well trying to put down the flames and then to channel the oil to the pits on the same pipeline.  

1 RA Moreni Nord in flames from July to September 1925. 
Valea Pleasei-Moreni
The tunnel entrance at 5th of August 1925.
On the sign is written '' Intrarea strict oprita''
Latitude and longitude of location : 44.98422265,25.61628378
View over the nowdays location.

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