The Wealth of a Nation. Romania, 1920

The Wealth of a Nation. 

A view of one part of the oil fields of Roumania, the greatest oil producing country for its size in the world. These wells and thousands of others have been idle for almost three years. More than $300,000,000 worth of this property was destroyed to prevent it from falling into the hands of the invading armies during the war. While they occupied the oil district, the Germans took millions of dollars worth of petroleum from it. Many American investors lost heavily in the misfortune which overtook this field. The loss of this wealth to Roumania for three years produced a bad state of continued want and starvation. The American Red Cross had to feed and clothe thousands as a result of the shutdown in this greatest of Roumanian industries

The World's Richest Oil Field. 1920

The Campina District of Roumania, which produces more petroleum in comparison to its size than any other oil field in the world. It was Roumania's greatest national asset but during the war millions of dollars worth of property including many American holdings were destoyed. Due to the cessation of activities here thousands of people were left destitute. The American Red Cross cared for more than 4,500 women and children daily in this district.