Compagnie des petroles de Moreni-action de 100 francs au porteur.
Moreni-Tuicani-action de cent francs au porteur.
During the two wars, the Romanian capital is encouraged and regaining ground, up 26.3% in 1936 in terms of production growth in the country who had the 4 th largest in the world (8.7 million tons). The origin of foreign capital has changed too, the Austrian and German capital making up the Anglo-Dutch capital (40.2% on the same date). This interest was clearly located in the Prahova Subcarpates, other petroleum stores, known for a long time, are often neglected. Before 1944, only 2 departments (Prahova and Dâmboviţa) accumulated 98.6% of oil production. The interest of major foreign oil has been shown at the time by buying companies so that indigenous production to 1940 was controlled by the Royal Dutch-Shell Oil (through its subsidiary Steaua Română) and Standard Oil (for its two subsidiaries' Astra Română and Societatea Romano-Americana).The participation of foreign capital may explain the increase in production during the economic crisis of 1929-1932 and the important weight in the global oil exports (12% of the total in 1935, the 3rd in the world) . This demonstrates the vital importance of this industry for Romania at the time, oil being its main asset. One can even say that the myth of Romania between the two wars, a sort of paradise lost, still invoked today is at the origin after an illusion of prosperity created by the economic success which the oil was the recipient emerging bourgeoisie of the country.
Romania Generala Petrolifera 500 lei share
Antwerp Petroleum Co. of Rumania 1910.The company owned concessions in the Bustenari district, northwest of Ploiesti.
Russo-Roumanian Oil Company Ltd. Société Russe-Roumano de Petrole 1913.
Sté Anonyme de Pétrole Sospiro-1923
Nationala-Petrolifera Certificate - Bucarest 1924.
La Franco-Romana Share of 100F - 1908.
Apostolake Sté Roumaine pour l'Industrie du Pétrole 1908 share 250 lei.
La Franco-Romana Share of 100F - 1908.
Apostolake Sté Roumaine pour l'Industrie du Pétrole 1908 share 250 lei.
Les Sociétés nationales de méthane - 1937.
Policiori Oilfields Of Roumania, Ltd.-1913.
Forage Lemoine Société à Responsabilité Limitée Ploesti,Roumaine-1926.
Deutsch-Rumänische Petroleum AG, Berlin-1924.
Rumeensche Petroleum-Matschappij-1897.
Sidus Comp. Pétrolière Franco-Roumaine 1921.
Soviet-Romanian Society for mining and trade oil and oil derivatives.
Concordia S.A. Romania, Bucharest - 1920
Industria Romana de Petrol - 1920.
IRDP Industria Romana de Petrol S.A., Bucuresti-1924
Minerva (Romania) Oil Company - 1925
Petrol-Block stock holdings- 1922
Romania Petrolifera Fratia - 1920
Société Belge-Roumaine de Transports & d'Industrie - 1898.
Societe Belge-Roumaine de Petrol-1908.The company that issued this superb antique bond, Romano-Belgiana, was a joint Romanian-Belgian joint venture based in Bucarest that was formed to exploit Romania's sizeable oil reserves in the first decade of the 20th Century.
Societe Franco-Roumaine de Petroles&Mines.
Societe Industrielle des Petroles Roumains.
Societe Auxiliaire des Petroles Roumains.
Societe Industrielle des Petroles Roumains.
Societe Auxiliaire des Petroles Roumains.
Exploitation du petrole Baicoi-Tzintea-1913.
Societe de Petroles Runcu-1925.
Societatea Petrolul-1912.
Prahova oil society - 1920.
Scanteia - 1915.
Action Pétroles de Roumanie Anvers Antwerpen Oil 1921.
Pétroles de Campina.
Societe Franco-Roumaine 14 Juillet 1900.
Banca de Petrol, Mine si Industrie.
Romania, 1920.
Rumeensche Petroleum Maatschappij Bacau, 1911.