Creditul Minier oilfield at Pascov-Moreni

Creditul Minier oil wells. Pascov - Moreni area.

Petrolul Romanesc - Moreni workshop

Intergrup - Romanian Oil - Moreni Workshop.
This photo was found among the goods in a house sold in Moreni. 
It shows oilmen in front of a workshop of an interwar oil company in the Moreni area. 
The photo is a "story". 
Special thanks to the Chitu family
Old house from Schela Mare -Moreni.
Above the enter, the plastered wall coating it started to fall and exposed the same company name.

Oil wells in Moreni area. Colored photo.

Oil wells in Moreni area. Colored photo.

Wooden derrick from Moreni

Oil extraction. Wooden derrick from Moreni. Colored photo.

Colored photo of 160 RA flames

Oil well eruption 160 RA Tuicani-Moreni in 1931