How Romanian Oil Wells Were Destroyed
Oil wells on fire
Moreni(Romania)oilfields in 1911

The largest oil fire in european history

Gushing Fire at Moreni in 1925
The next scheme tried was digging a tunnel up to the wall with the idea of dynamiting it.The project was stopped by irate romanians who demanded huge payments for permission to use their property as a right of way.The burning well is about a mile deep and has a pressure of about 50 atmospheres.The damage may amount to $1,500,000.The fire was visible for 45 miles” Retrieval of Time Magazine Aug 17 , 1925.
The Bucharest correspondent of the "Daily Express" states that experts have extinguished the Moreni oil well fire after 50 days work. The damage is estimated at £250,000. Many unsuccessful attempts were made, including drawing a huge bell over the mouth of the well by chains, which the heat melted. Finally a tunnel 100ft. long was excavated to and perforated the bore, causing the extinction of the flames.Retrival of The Brisbane Courier Friday 25 September 1925.