Oil wells at Dealul Batran, Gura Ocnita, Dambovita county.
Special thanks to Mr.Bratila Bogdan.
To accelerate the oil production and increase the recovery factor for heavy oil reservoirs, since 1992, in the world is often used the SAGD method (SAGD – Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage). This method, which was not applied for Romanian oilfields, it's an advanced kind of stimulation using steam. In fact, a pair of horizontal wells are drilled into the reservoir, one few meters above the other one. In each well pair, steam is injected into the upper well, to heat heavy oil, which allows it to flow into the lower well, where it is pumped to the surface. It's known that in Dealu Batran, an old Romanian oil field there is a heavy oil reservoir located Drader II, where natural drive mechanism is associated with a thermal method (continuous steam injection) to increase recovery factor.